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snippet: This data can be used to collect fishing spots within the state of Vermont.
summary: This data can be used to collect fishing spots within the state of Vermont.
extent: [[-72.7048820400107,44.255984183365],[-72.7048820400107,44.255984183365]]
accessInformation: Vtrans MOB Environmental Program Water Quality Unit: Dexter Puls
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: For any questions or comments please contact Dexter Puls ( 802-461-9822)
licenseInfo: Available to all State Employees
title: MOB_EPWQ_VermontFishingSpots
type: Map Service
tags: ["Vermont Agency of Transportation MOB Environmental Program Water Quality Unit"]
culture: en-US
name: MOB_EPWQ_VermontFishingSpots
guid: 746BEFB7-8F69-49DB-9C6A-79A61F18775C
spatialReference: NAD_1983_2011_StatePlane_Vermont_FIPS_4400_Ft_US